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Trainee Support Program

In 2024, THI introduced a new HIV research training initiative focused on supporting postdoctoral fellows at UC San Diego. Leveraging various funding sources, including endowed funds, this initiative is designed to support trainees conducting research across diverse fields such as clinical, virological, epidemiological, immunological, and socio-behavioral studies. The overall goal of our program is to support training and advance the careers of new leaders in HIV research.

Initially, the funds will prioritize providing supplemental, non-federal support for recipients of federal fellowships to bridge the gap between federal grant funding and University of California (UC) salaries, commonly referred to as the "salary delta." This gap has become more pronounced due to the 2023 contracts negotiated by the UAW for Academic Researchers, Postdoctoral Scholars, Graduate Student Researchers, and Academic Student Employees, which have significantly increased salary expectations.

This year, we have provided $87,000 to support six fellows HIV research (two from the HOPE T32 program established by Dr. Richman in 1990 and four from the Substance Use, HIV, and Related Infections T32 program) across the UC San Diego Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health.

Looking forward, the initiative may also extend funding to support HIV research projects led by UCSD-affiliated investigators. The funding available for awards each year will depend on the funds generated and expended in the previous year.

Below are the recipients of the HIV Institute T32 Trainee Support Initiative.

  • Katie Bailey, PhD

    Katie Bailey, PhD

    Research Project: HIV services delivery in community-based harm reduction programs across the United States.
  • Renee El-Krab, PhD

    Renee El-Krab, PhD

    Research Project: The moderating role of substance-using network members on the relationship between HIV stigma and PrEP interest.
  • Jessica Frankeberger, PhD, MPH

    Jessica Frankeberger, PhD, MPH

    Research Project: Breastfeeding Among HIV Positive Persons in the US: Understanding Maternal Attitudes and Professional Educational Resource Needs.
  • Jesse Goldshear, PhD, MPH

    Jesse Goldshear, PhD, MPH

    Research Project: Homelessness Mitigation Strategies Impacts on HIV-Associated Behaviors Among People Who Use Drugs in San Diego, California.
  • Elizabeth (Lizzy) Hastie, MD

    Elizabeth (Lizzy) Hastie, MD

    Research Project: HIV Reservoirs and Inflammation in the Male Genital Tract.
  • Nicole Kelly, PhD, MPH

    Nicole Kelly, PhD, MPH

    Research Project: Characterizing the mental health and HIV care continuum needs and missed opportunities for low-barrier integrated care among housing-insecure transgender and nonbinary community members.